Export only WAV or AIFF files in 16-24 Bits/44.1-48kHz resolution
Render tracks from the start of your song
Bypass all effects, unless integral to production
Don't send muted or unused files. Only send the files you want mixed.
1. Go to File > Export > All Tracks as Audio Files.
2.Check “New Folder” and “Bypass effect plug-ins” to save the dry files in one folder.
3. Select sample rate and bit depth.
4.Click the save button to export.
5.In the session folder, compress the “bounces” folder with the generated files in them.
1. Use the Loop Start/Punch-in Point to select the entire length of your song.
2.Bypass all effects/plugins for all tracks.
3.Click File > Export Audio/Video.
4.Choose "Individual Tracks".
5.Select sample rate and bit depth.
6.Click Export and choose a destination
7. Compress the resulting folder.
1.Set the Left and Right locators to your song length.
2.Solo an individual channel while bypassing the effects.
3.Select File > Export Loop As Audio File.
4. Create a new folder and hit Save, then select sample rate and bit depth.
5.Repeat steps 2-4 for all separate tracks.
6.Compress resulting folder.
1.Disable all plugins and volume automation.
2.Solo the first track and select “Export Song to Disk” from the Share pull-down menu.
3.Keep "Compress" box unchecked.
4.Select sample rate and bit depth
5.Name the file according to the solo track’s contents.
6.Repeat steps 2-5 until all tracks are exported.
7. Compress the resulting folder.
1. Set left and right locators to your song length.
2. Go to File > Export > Audio Mixdown
3. Under 'Channel Selection' , check "Stereo Out" and “Channel Batch Export" then check the boxes of all the tracks you want to export.
4. Click dropdown arrow in the “Path” field. Click "Choose" and create new folder.
5. Select file format and sample rate and bit depth
6. Leave “Pool”, “Audio track” and “Create New” Project boxes unchecked.
7. Set Post Process to “None” and leave “Deactivate external Midi Inputs” checked
8. Click Export
9. Compress the resulting folder.